Sunday, September 30, 2018

Open Letter to Brett Kavanugh

Dear Brett Kavanaugh:

As one human being to another, I have compassion and feel sorry for what has happened to you and your family. As a fellow human being, I feel the unfairness to your wife, your friends, and especially to your daughters.  As a Christian, I feel the desire of wanting grace and forgiveness to be yours for past mistakes and misdeeds you have committed.  I do feel, as one man to another, the unfairness of having a long past life haunting and limiting one’s aspiration for greatness.  Life is not fair, however, and forgiveness is available though it is not my place to give it.

At the same time, when in the course of a person’s life you rise to a station where your fellow citizens are choosing you to wield enormous power over them then, you are held in a different light.  That is not the light of compassion and mercy but the light of discernment and evaluative forethought. We, the people, in choosing to surrender a bit of our own power to give it to the leaders we agree upon to represent, lead, and referee us expect those individuals to be exemplary in character, judgment, and wisdom.

Power is a sacred trust granted by God and the community, state, or nation to be utilized for the good and benefit of all.  That sets a higher standard.  Few have what it takes to wield that scepter.  Those who do must demonstrate they have learned humility, patience, discernment, honesty, and trustworthiness.  They must show that they have wielded the powers previously granted to them by family, friends, employers, organizations, and communities to justly care and trust for all those who have both chosen to be in your life, as well as those who, through no choice of their own, fall under your authority & power.  This is at the heart of a democracy. It is a heart that presently is on life support in our nation. What we, the people, are in need of and long for is a return to leadership that honors the trust that we, the people, grant.

Your hearings, your history, and the current powers that be have revealed not individuals with honor, integrity, and understanding for all, but instead a cabal of usurpers of power for themselves and for only their own small circle of privileged friends, family, and donors. The role which you seek to play in our nation places you in contention for the hearts & support of all the people, because you will wield power over all of us. We, the people, are feeling badly out of joint and unsafe with the growing abuses of power, the corruption of resources, and the domination of the rich. And, you have shown no will, no interest, no humility of service to be any kind of independent beacon or champion of hope or dignity to the least of these. 

We, the people, are chaffing under the ancient smallness of human character, greed, and power that corrupts absolutely. We long for a fair, independent, kindly, embracing benevolence that lifts all humanity to aspire to a higher ideal instead of this descent, which you have become a present symbol for, into deeper division, brute tribalism, and the dark (but familiar) boot of the oppressor.

The storm winds of opposition to your ascent to Supreme Court Justice has reminded we, the people, of so much that is small of spirit and destructive to soul.  Your demeanor and your selfish defense of your obviously perceived right to power (beginning in high school) reminds us of all the men who over the course of history carried not the scales of justice but the sword of absolute power corrupting absolutely. 

The people, Mr Kavanaugh, all of us, do not deem you to have the interests of all of us in mind for one holding one of the most powerful positions in our nation. Mr Kavanaugh, you are being given the rare opportunity to redo a former life mistake.  You are in a moment once again, but this time not in a private bedroom in an unknown house but in the house of the United States of America.  We, the people, who most feel the weight you will have upon us say, “No.”  Please resign your nomination.  Do not repeat your past mistakes of running roughshod over the will of the people by being drunk on power and laughing with your fellow wielders of power. We, the people, deserve better from you, from our legislators, and from our president.

One of the people

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